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Camping Astur

Okuninka, Lublin

Camping Astur

It is an ideal place for people who prefer active leisure time. Near the lake there are many trails and hiking trails, on foot and by bike.

Lake Białe is the most beautiful and cleanest of the Pojezierze lakes, situated between meadows and picturesque forests that create a specific microclimate similar to the coastal microclimate. The transparent water, the sandy bottom of the lake and the surrounding beaches offer great opportunities for many water sports and swimming.

Ośrodek Rehabilitacyjno-Wczasowy "Astur" is a "barrier-free" center completely adapted for the disabled. It is located in the immediate vicinity of the lake and the forest in the area of ​​4.4 ha
The area of ​​the complex is surrounded by lush vegetation intersected by alleyways. The resort has 180 beds: 11 brick houses (4 sections) with full bathroom and hotel pavilion - 2.3 rooms with bathroom and TV. We offer free Wi-Fi.
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